Julius Caesar uses a cipher to conceal from prying eyes the orders
that he sends to his generals. This cipher, known as Caesar’s cipher,
is a simple three left shift substitution cipher: each character in
the original message is substituted, in the ciphered message, by the
character which is three positions to the right in the alphabet. For
example: A, in the original message, is substituted by a D in the
ciphered message, B by E, etc, and Z by C.
Lately, Julius Caesar is growing suspicious about the secrecy of his cipher and decided to make it more secure. The new process to encipher messages uses the good old Caesar’s cipher, plus steganography (steganography is the art and science of hiding messages within messages in such a way that nobody even suspects that the hidden messages are there) and also an elaborated alphanumeric to numeric substitution.
The process of ciphering a message has four steps. It starts with C - the Caesar’s order - and M - a message in which the order will be hidden. All the messages use capital letters only. Let NC be the number of characters in C and NM be the number of characters in M.
For example, suppose C is "HOLDYOURPOSITION" and M is "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" (despite the example, M does not have to contain all the letters of the alphabet, but only all the letters in the message). NC is 16 and NM is 26.
Your task as Roman master spy allocated to a general is to decipher the message M3 received from Julius Caesar and deliver the order C to your boss, the general.
The first line of the input contains the number NC of letters in the order issued by Julius Caesar. The second line contains a set of NC numbers separated by single space that constitute the integer array L. The last line contains the ciphered message M3.
The output consists of a single line with the order C given by Julius Caesar.
1 ≤ NC < 1,000 | Number of characters of the order |
1 ≤ NM < 15,000 | Number of characters of the message |
16 12 19 16 8 3 19 25 22 20 19 23 13 24 13 19 18 0809101112131415161718192021222324250001020304050607
10 19 4 159 69 43 13 5 10 60 9 241209101619192205180807091316131811102518072413191805220925232505161603240320092309 240113241216091024051808221311122423212505220906220507150924230112092209241209252020 092210192210161919221025180724131918192216190109221019220709131613181110251807241319 181219221304191824051606052223052209171323231318110603220517051825140518
Note: the second input example has only three lines. The 3rd and last line, containing M3, is shown on paper in different lines only because of space constraints. You can however be assured that all input files will contain exactly 3 lines
MIUP'2012, 20 de Outubro, DCC/FCUP
This document was translated from LATEX by HEVEA.